Keywords: melody, classical music, folk musical art, folk traditions, musical compositions


In our research, we will delve into the history of this relationship and consider some of the ways folk melos influenced classical music culture.One of the most interesting aspects of our research is the study of connections in the perspective of polyphony of musical genres and their mutual influence in the focus of temporal transformation.It was noted that the influence of folk music on classical composers can serve as an example.After all, from the Middle Ages to the present day, classical composers were inspired by ethnic melodies of various cultures and included elements of folk music in their own compositions. The author explains that one of the earliest examples of the influence of folk music on classical composers can be found in the Middle Ages.At that time, composers often borrowed a number of elements from folk songs and dances, which were a popular form of entertainment in European cities.These folk melodies and rhythms can be heard in the music of composers such as Hildegard von Bingen and Guillaume de Machaut, who incorporated elements of folk music into their world-class liturgical works. The article emphasizes that classical music has developed over the centuries, and the influence of folk music can be heard in the works of various composers of world classics.For example, in the era of romanticism, interest in folk music was revived: such composers as Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann were inspired by the aesthetics of folk melodies and dances. It is noted that in the 19th and early 20th centuries, a number of European classics supported a more scientific approach to folk music, collecting and studying the folk melodies of their countries and including them in their compositions. The conclusions show that the influence of folk music on classical composers continues even in the context of modernity.After all, many modern classical composers, such as Arvo Pärt and Osvaldo Golikhov, have included elements of folk music from different cultures in their works, using traditional instruments and musical styles to create a unique sound.The influence of folk music on classical composers is an interesting and enduring aspect of the classical genre.In the context of historical artistic transformations, composers were inspired by folk music, which made their works, which occupied prominent places in the world classical music culture, richer, fuller, and more spiritual.


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How to Cite
Melnychuk, S. (2024). THE MULTI-LAYER OF THE MUSICAL PALETTE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE INTERPETRATION OF FOLK AND WORLD CLASSICAL MUSIC. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 53-56.