The purpose of this publication is to analyze the need for the children's body to receive essential amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, arginine, histidine) – structural elements of proteins, unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, α-linolenic, arachidonic, proof of hexene), an assortment of carbohydrates that provide the body of schoolchildren with energy and building materials for growth processes, support a high level of physiological activity. Nutrition is a natural human need, which at school age provides a young, growing organism with energy resources, necessary bionic substances, water and minerals that are not synthesized in the human body, but are used to activate growth processes, the appropriate level of physical and mental development and its transformation into an organism an adult man or woman, for whom a healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite. The essence of the use of products of various purposes, which perform the corresponding functions in the human body: energetic, plastic (structural), signal-motivational, bioregulatory, immunostimulating, adaptation- regulatory, and rehabilitation, is revealed. Rational nutrition is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. This especially applies to high school students, whose bodies are actively growing and developing during this period. The fact is confirmed that rational nutrition is a physiologically multi-component, structured, complete nutrition of healthy people, based on the physiological needs of the body in food products and energy according to age, gender and mode of motor activity, is subject to a certain regime, supports the work and vital activity of all organs and functional systems in various working and living conditions, ensures homeostasis and normal development of the organism as a whole.
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