Keywords: Digital-First, digital strategy, Digital Tourism, tourism, service companies


The application of the Digital-first strategy, or "service by default" in the field of travel, is summarized in the article. Digital-first is a strategic approach to business where digital technologies and online channels become primary or predominant in the development and implementation of an organization's strategy. This means that decision-making and the development of business processes are aimed at digital solutions as a priority option. First of all, Digital-first assumes the existence of two main channels of communication - live (as opposed to Digital-first, there must be something else) and an innovative component, which is a priority. This direction of development allows enterprises to increase traffic, improve customer loyalty to brands, establish optimal channels, as well as anticipate systemic technological changes in the industry, flexibly respond to them, and adjust the development plan to modern trends. Many researches, analyzes and various aspects of the implementation of digital strategies in the tourism industry have been studied. However, the rapid development of technologies and constant changes in consumer habits can lead to the fact that new aspects and challenges arise in this direction of development of the service sector at the digital level. In addition, different countries and companies may have their own peculiarities of implementing the "Digital-First" strategy in tourism. The relevance of this topic continues to grow as technological innovation develops rapidly and the travel industry struggles to adapt to changes in consumer habits and expectations. We detailed the main directions of involvement of the Digital-First concept and summarized the key directions of involvement of the concept and examples of giants of the tourism business, their practical experience of using digital technologies. Today's technology giants are active in developing innovative travel products, including the use of artificial intelligence and other digital solutions to improve the search and booking of travel services. To establish competitiveness in the market, research in the direction of Digital-First is important to consider in the context of changes in society and the technological space.


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Flaherty G. The digital-first phenomenon – the balance between digital and service. Available at: directory (accessed Nowember 14, 2023).

How the travel industry is shifting to assistance – Think with Google. Available at: (accessed Nowember 12, 2023).

Ready For The Rebound (2020). Available at: (accessed Nowember 12, 2023).

Rebuild Travel Survey 2021. 9 p. Available at: (accessed Nowember 12, 2023).

Robotham A. T., Pignard-Cheynel N. (2022) You Said Digital First! A Five-Dimensional Definition According to Journalists from Three Swiss Newspapers. Journalism Practice, рр. 1–20. DOI: (accessed Nowember 14, 2023).

12 Tourism Trends That Will Shape the Travel Industry in 2022 and Beyond. Available at: (accessed Nowember 12, 2023).

A case study of the promotion of a tourist site on the European market – Gamma Travel. Available at: (accessed Nowember 14, 2023). (in Ukrainian)

Airbnb Marketing Strategy – A Practical Example. Available at: (accessed Nowember 14, 2023). (in Ukrainian)

Digital transformation: 3 keys to a Digital-First strategy. Available at: (accessed Nowember 14, 2023). (in Ukrainian)

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How to Cite
Lysiana, V. (2023). DIGITAL-FIRST STRATEGY, DEFAULT SERVICE. Via Economica, (3), 63-68.