This article is dedicated to the life and creativity of the Ukrainian composer, pianist, conductor, educator, and cultural activist from the Rivne region, H. L. Zhukovsky, reflecting the fate of Ukrainian intellectuals during the Soviet era. An attempt is made to analyze the cultural and artistic legacy of the composer, particularly his humanistic endeavors in creative paths despite the ideological constraints of the totalitarian Soviet regime. The perspectives of utilizing the artist's creative legacy in the educational process of training musician-educators, art (music) teachers, particularly through the substantive (repertoire) content of art disciplines, are outlined. It is established that from the early stages of his compositional career, H. L. Zhukovsky demonstrated a profound connection with folk art, upon which the main features of the composer's music were formed: rich melodiousness and national color, vivid emotional expressiveness, and sincerity of musical expression. The individual style of H. L. Zhukovsky is the result of deep knowledge of Ukrainian folk song art and the organic combination of folk songs with the traditions of domestic and world classical music. It is emphasized that the multifaceted creative activity (compositional, pedagogical, pianistic, conducting, cultural and public, etc.) represents H. L. Zhukovsky as a humanist, who devotedly followed his mission as an educator to nurture spiritual personalities, shape ideological guidelines, humanize the inner world of the younger generation, and through his own example instilled in young musicians the ideals of goodness, mercy, humanity, tolerance, love, respect for human dignity, etc. It is highlighted that the humanism of the composer's life and work serves as a guiding principle in the professional training of future musicianeducators, art (music) teachers, their holistic artistic worldview, and their value attitude towards nationalcultural heritage, acting as a guiding light in shaping the personal qualities of future professionals as cultural guides for the younger generation. The creative achievements of H. L. Zhukovsky, known and respected during his lifetime but currently underperformed, require the deepest understanding and popularization, as does all the cultural and artistic heritage of the past, including regional (local history) heritage. The importance of a regional (local history) approach in the understanding of art is emphasized, which serves as a guarantee of deep cultural dialogue between the past, present, and future and acquires national significance in the integrated national-cultural palette of the state. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of preserving cultural and historical memory and respect for the cultural and artistic heritage of the Ukrainian people, particularly local history, which serves as a powerful tool for affirming national identity.
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