Keywords: ukrainian folk song, voice development, aesthetic education, spiritual development of personality


The proposed article reveals the significant role of the aesthetic component of the Ukrainian folk song in the process of forming the singer's spiritual qualities. Thanks to the richness of melodies and the charm of poetic texts, the Ukrainian folk song enriches the spiritual world of the singer-performer with a wide range of feelings of pride for his great nation and its priceless cultural heritage. The conceptual foundations of folk music as an important element in the formation of a singer as a spiritual personality are substantiated. The article notes that working on a folk song in the voice production class contributes to the formation of a beginner singer not only the basic elements of vocal technique, but also aesthetic taste and high spiritual foundations of personality. The author relies on the research of luminaries of Ukrainian culture in the field of folk creativity, such as I. Franko, K. Stetsenko, M. Lysenko, and others, who considered it extremely necessary to use Ukrainian folk songs in the formation of a highly spiritual personality of a Ukrainian. The article claims that it is the folk song that is recommended by world vocal practice as the initial link in the formation of the singer's voice, and is also an aesthetic basis for the formation of his spiritual needs. The author believes that aesthetics plays an important role in the spiritual development of a person, as people try to find harmony and beauty in the environment. This allows you to personally expand your worldview, develop your own feelings and emotions, and also open new horizons for self-belief. Aesthetics can be a tool of self-discovery and contribute to a deeper understanding of one's inner essence.


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How to Cite
Shvydkiv, H., Shvydkiv, M., & Ivchenko, H. (2024). AESTHETICS OF THE UKRAINIAN FOLK SONG IN THE FORMATION OF THE SPIRITUAL PERSONALITY OF THE SINGER. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 111-115.