The article reveals the essence and ways of humanization of the creative process in a children's choir. Modern psychological science proceeds from the fact that the humanity of the individual is in a certain noncompliance with the requirements of a democratic society, and its valuable components do not always find their proper place in the system of human values. On the basis of scientific works, an attempt is made to prove that the problem of humanization is now becoming especially acute, and its successful solution requires, first of all, a scientifically grounded definition of the educational process as a system. In this regard, the formation of personal and creative qualities by means of choral singing on the basis of humanization of relationships is a priority goal. After all, it is in active musical creativity that a powerful potential of educational influence is laid. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to believe that the most effective means of forming high ideals in schoolchildren are art, artistic creativity. The question of the place of art in the moral education of children and the importance of art for selfknowledge and self-development of the individual, which has long been in the center of attention of scientists, often causes polemics. Discussants try to find the best ways that can help the child understand himself, develop his aspirations for beauty, truth, nobility, honor, awakening courage and nobility in the soul. Therefore, there was an urgent need to use more effectively the means of choral art, which are the embodiment of the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people, in humanistic education. It is proved that children's choral performance, as one of the mass forms, is intended to become a kind of creative laboratory in the formation of humane relationships between teenagers in the process of their collective musical activity. Children's participation in choral groups is a kind of school of musical and performing skills, humane and creative relationships and a school for the formation of a humane and democratic style of relationships between its participants.
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