Keywords: Viktor Kosenko, piano heritage, pedagogical potential, composer's style, artistic image, performing intonation


The article is devoted to highlighting the pedagogical aspect of the piano heritage of Kosenko Viktor Stepanovych. The characteristic of the artist's work in this genre is based on its stylistic features; the specifics of the embodiment of folk sources; and the individual interpretation of the instrument's sound capabilities. The article outlines the pedagogical resources of the artist's piano opuses in the projection on students in the class of musical instrument and schoolchildren who are involved in art at lessons in general education institutions. It has been found that a thorough approach to determining the stylistic context of V. Kosenko's piano works will contribute to the personal artistic growth of art education students in terms of forming their ability to professional creative interpretation of the heritage of the composer. Mastering the folklore component of V. Kosenko’s style will allow to orientate in the means of artistic and imaginative influence that promote self-awareness, self-expression of internal intellectual, moral, aesthetic and other forces and ideas of the younger generation of Ukrainians, cultivating their love for national art, given their natural attraction to the native intonational fund. The performance mastery of piano works by the classics of Ukrainian music develops and improves pianism that corresponds to the singing and at the same time orchestral phonetic idea in the interpretation of the instrument. The composer's opuses with technically challenging textural tasks require special training of the playing apparatus. This additionally stimulates technical work, in which the instrumentalist must adhere to the principles inherent in the composer's own views on the careful formation and development of his pianistic abilities. V. Kosenko enriched Ukrainian piano literature with the genres of concert etude, poem, and children's music. The works of his piano heritage have a significant performance, artistic and pedagogical potential for the training of students of art education in the class of m usical instrument.


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How to Cite
Tarchynska, Y., & Vashchuk, K. (2024). THE PEDAGOGICAL ASPECT OF THE PIANO HERITAGE OF VIKTOR KOSENKO. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (2), 39-44.