Keywords: metasubject competence, New Ukrainian school, integrated course, art, creative abilities, social interaction, critical thinking, innovative technologies, education, students.


The article examines the meta-subject competence of students of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) in the context of the integrated course "Art". The importance of the integration of various artistic disciplines is described, which contributes to the formation of a holistic perception of knowledge and the development of students' creative abilities. Aspects of social interaction, critical thinking and creativity arising in the learning process are discussed. Attention is also focused on the use of innovative technologies that increase the efficiency of the educational process. The article emphasizes the role of meta-subject competence in preparing students for the challenges of modern society and forming their readiness for active participation in community life. The world has entered the path of a new form of progress. In every sector of society, there is a great demand for people who possess innovative thinking, a culture of innovation and the ability to act innovatively. Such individuals must be able to recognize change, initiate change, and thrive in an ever-evolving environment filled with new knowledge, fresh ideas, new technology, and changed lifestyles. In the light of civilizational shifts, increasing the competitiveness of national education has become a priority direction for the modernization of education in Ukraine. Educational frameworks at all levels should prioritize the development and improvement of the skills and competencies needed to engage in innovative endeavors. Given this, the primary focus of educational institutions is shifting towards innovation, leading to a mission that could provide the industry with a competitive advantage while meeting the fundamental needs of those involved in the educational process. The learning model was created as a fundamental approach to innovative education, which emphasizes joint research activities by participants in the educational process. This model is intended to foster the development of individual student perspectives and aligns with the common interests identified by the research program.


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How to Cite
Bovsunivskyi, V. (2025). META-SUBJECT COMPETENCE OF NUSH STUDENTS AS AN INNOVATION PROCESS IN THE LESSONS OF THE INTEGRATED COURSE “ART”. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (3), 5-10.