The article deals with the peculiarities of the development of improvisational skills of future bachelors of musical art in professional training. A number of scientific, pedagogical and educational works by teachers of professional disciplines of higher art education institutions are studied to identify those aspects of the problem that need further development in the process of professional training, particularly in the classes of instrumental-performance and music-theoretical cycles («Special Instrument», «Concertmaster's Class», «Instrumental Ensemble», «Fundamentals of Composition and Improvisation», etc.); and their relevance is substantiated. It is found that the basis for the development of the studied phenomenon is the creative skills of higher education students acquired in the process of studying the disciplines of instrumental- performance and music-theoretical cycles (creating an interpretive version of a work, playing by ear, transposing musical material, creative adaptation of the accompaniment of a musical work, arrangement of a musical work, elementary composition, etc.). It has been established that the development of improvisational skills of future bachelors of musical art is a complex process that involves mastering specific techniques of jazz playing and improving performance technique, which actualizes the needs of usage of effective forms and methods of teaching in the above mentioned disciplines, which ensure the interconnection of artistic and technical, theoretical and practical, intellectual (rational) and spontaneous (irrational, intuitive) components of professional training. The prospects for further research are the issues of effective forms and methods for the development of improvisational skills of the future bachelor of musical art in the process of professional training, in particular in class on a special instrument.
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