• Uzhynskyi Mykhailo
Keywords: sound, technology, electronics, digital innovation, art.


The proposed article examines the interaction of culture and art technologies, as well as the undeniable influence of digital electronic musical instruments on art forms. As a result of the effect of modern technological achievements on art forms, the phenomenon of digital arts, or “art media”, was formed, which are characterized by interactivity, elitism, new means of artistic expression, forms and genres. On the basis of the concept of “technical aesthetics”, the article reveals the dualistic nature of the concepts of art and technology – sound technologies, sound and direction – sound direction. Taking into account the opinion about “technically equipped types of art”, the expressed idea is confirmed that “sound technologies” are an integral part of art, a direct participant in the creative process, an irreplaceable sequence of step-by-step actions of the artist (using technical means), the result of which is a work of art. The historical milestones of the scientific and technical revolution are highlighted step by step and its direct influence on the development of musical art from the first steps of its development to modern times is depicted. The theoretical-methodological approaches used in the research of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and practitioners of art technologies, as well as sound engineering, have been analyzed. In view of the rapid development of science, the work states that the issue of the invention and analysis of artistic technologies still remains open for further self-development in cultural and artistic areas. It was also announced that despite the very high level of mastering of processors and computer software, the last word still remains with the specialist, with his professionalism, with the ability to use the acquired knowledge and use it to the maximum. Without all this, it is simply impossible to become a truly practicing mastering engineer. Creative work requires from him a proper meticulous and critical attitude towards it at all stages of the mastering project, and he, in turn, assumes the basis of practical work and technical knowledge, understanding of music and the presence of artistic and aesthetic taste.


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How to Cite
Mykhailo, U. (2024). DIGITAL ART TECHNOLOGIES AS THE BASIS OF ELECTRONIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 48-51.