• Oksana Huminska
  • Natalia Denisyuk
Keywords: Orff approach, modern experience of preschool education, music lesson in preschool education


The content of the article examines the essence of K. Orff’s musical and pedagogical concept and reveals its importance in the creative development of the individual. Historical facts that contributed to the formation of progressive views are highlighted. On the basis of scientific works, an attempt was made to reveal the meaning of the Orff approach, which is based on the principles of child-centrism, mutual learning, the relationship of practice and theory, the integration of language, music, movement, musical improvisation, improvisation and creative activity, and the balance between process and result; use of Orff tools; adaptability, versatility. The opinion that language, rhythmic exercises, games, playing music on elementary musical instruments, improvisation is a natural way of developing the creative abilities of the children of preschool age has been updated. The history of the creation and activity of the Orff Schulwerk Association of Ukraine is described. The experience of implementing the Orff approach in the educational process of modern educational institutions, including preschool education institutions, is analyzed. Examples of the experience of music directors of preschool education institutions and samples of the Orff approach in the pedagogical activity of the author of the article are given. The opinion is emphasized that learning through action, creative forms of communication with music, speech, movement, research activities and integration of various types of activities into a single process contribute to the comprehensive harmonious development of preschool children. The proposed article is a certain scientific view on the subject of the historical-methodological foundations of musical education and personality education based on the Orff approach, which prompts the understanding of the problems of preschool music pedagogy.


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How to Cite
Huminska, O., & Denisyuk, N. (2023). ORFF APPROACH AT MUSIC LESSONS IN KINDERGARTEN: MODERN EXPERIENCE. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (2), 5-9. https://doi.org/10.32782/ART/2023-2-1