• Tetiana Pavlyshche
  • Dmytro Mazur
  • Oleksandr Zakhodiakin
Keywords: panpipe, flute instruments, flute aerophones


The content of the article reveals the historical and theoretical aspect of the development of panpipe instruments. The genesis of flute aerophones from the Paleolithic era to the present is highlighted. The distribution of flute instruments among the peoples of the world and the regions of Ukraine in particular is described. The multifunctional use of the pipe by a person in daily activities, everyday life, rituals, rites, etc. has been studied. Information about Ukrainian folk aerophones is provided. The opinion that the Hutsul region is rich in various unique pipe instruments has been updated. It is noted that the genesis of the pipe is an important element in the study of the cultural heritage of instrumental music. The opinion has been updated that the study of the history of the development of the pipe can help preserve traditional folk music and understand the essence of the musical culture of the peoples of the world and the Ukrainian people in particular. In addition, the study of the genesis of pipe instruments contributes to the improvement of the performance art of pipers, their understanding of the semantic load and the figurative and emotional direction of the music performed on this instrument. The history of the bagpipe is an important element in the study of musical culture and instrumental music. This is important from the point of view of studying the cultural heritage of mankind, since the genesis of the pipe is part of the tradition of various peoples who used it in life, everyday life, rituals, rites, etc. The study of the origin and development of this instrument allows a better understanding of the musical culture of those eras and peoples who used it. The proposed article is a certain scientific view on the subject of the importance of the panpipe as an instrument that does not lose its value, relevance and popularity in our time, which is important for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Ukraine, the development of musical art in general.


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How to Cite
Pavlyshche, T., Mazur, D., & Zakhodiakin, O. (2023). GENESIS OF NATIVE COMMUNITY TOOLS. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (2), 39-44.