• Mykhailo Uzhynskyi
  • Zhongge Di
Keywords: sound, music selection, noise design, sound engineering support


The proposed article examines the set of sound elements (music, noises) that create in the listener, by means of associations, an idea (in a generalized form) of the reality of the events taking place on the stage, life plausibility, the character of a theatrical character. It was found that music in the reflection of reality can perform two functions: pictorial, which reflects a simpler form of reflection of reality, and has mainly an illustrative character; the second, more important function of theatrical music – expressive, or music as a means of characterization – reflects a specific and most valuable form of creative understanding and transformation of reality. The noise design includes the inclusion of theatrical noises, the cry of animals, various bells, etc. in the stage action. A detailed study of the author’s notes (if there are any) gives the director-producer the opportunity to solve the noise design of the play: the feasibility of using the playwright’s recommendations, introducing noises and sounds according to his own idea. The director’s plan for the musical and noise design of the performance is currently also carried out by a sound engineer. It was determined that the profession of a sound engineer in the theater became relevant with the appearance of sound equipment: microphones, mixing consoles, amplifiers, loudspeakers, multimedia devices, etc. This made it possible to improve and simplify the methods of sound design of the performance. It was clarified that previously a whole brigade of “noisemakers” worked on the noise design in the performance, using bulky devices to create stage noises. Now they are replaced by background libraries. In the past, actors mainly played to the live musical accompaniment of an orchestra, but with the advent of sound engineering equipment, they began to involve a musical soundtrack, and it became possible to introduce into the performance a speech recording made with the help of microphones. The task of sound design has become a more creative and interesting job with unlimited possibilities for experimentation. Today, it can be said with complete confidence that in the modern world, sound engineering is an integral part and a necessary component of the modern cultural space, possessing specific means of artistic expression, which are constantly modified and enriched.


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How to Cite
Uzhynskyi, M., & Di, Z. (2023). FUNCTIONS OF MUSIC AND NOISE IN THEATER SOUND DIRECTION. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (2), 64-68.