Keywords: technical skills, classification of technical skills of playing percussion instruments, methods of teaching percussion instruments to beginners, writing notes for a percussion set


The article considers the essence of the concept of «technical skills» as a set of forms of movements, techniques of playing percussion instruments, which allow to perform game tasks, rhythmic sequences, musical pieces freely, confidently and stably. The technical skills of playing percussion instruments for beginners are systematised into four groups: skills of readiness of the playing apparatus (posture, position, position of the body and hands relative to sticks, instruments), auditory skills (sense of tempo, meter, rhythm, skills of listening to one's own playing, to the playing of another party); intellectual skills (concentration of attention; understanding and naming of motor operations, actions; knowledge of the algorithm (sequence) of actions; skills of reading notes); performance skills (fluency, freedom of movement, expediency, dexterity; movement control – coordination of playing with hands and feet; spatial accuracy of the blow, sound evenness; skills of performing various playing techniques (blow, fraction); copying skills (ability to repeat playing movements after the teacher), the desire to improve one's own percussive sound, to improve stable and confident performance). The experience of teaching students in the classroom of percussion instruments is described. The following groups of methods are distinguished: verbal methods (explanation, conversation, storytelling); visual and auditory methods (demonstration, observation, demonstration of percussion techniques by the teacher); practical methods (students' work on the instrument, exercises); analytical (comparison and generalisation, development of logical thinking); emotional (selection of associations, associative series of images, artistic impressions, games); integrated. The authors propose their own method of developing the skills of reading music from a sheet and understanding the musical text using a special method of recording notes for a drum kit. This method allows beginner students to quickly record rhythmic material, transitions and various elements of drumming technique, perceive, recognise, understand and perform rhythmic sequences on a drum kit.


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How to Cite
Zaliubivets, S., & Huminska, O. (2024). METHODS OF DEVELOPING TECHNICAL SKILLS OF PLAYING PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS FOR BEGINNERS. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 32-37.