Keywords: artistic competence, youthful students, art lesson, regional art, principle of artistic local history


The article investigates the methodological aspects of the development of artistic competence of adolescent students by means of artistic local history. The author's position is formulated: the art of the native land is an important means of combining world, national and regional artistic cultures; regional art can be an important factor in the development of artistic competence of high school students, which is especially important on the eve of the beginning of independent activity of graduates of general secondary education institutions. Regarding the category of «competence», the authors believe that it is an activated personal experience (knowledge, skills, abilities) that acquires new practical content as the basis for an individual's independent activity. The article substantiates the structure of artistic competence as an intellectual-emotional-activity complex- potential that ensures the ability of a person to understand art, react emotionally to it, and participate in artistic and creative activities. According to the authors, the identification of these components allows differentiating the vectors of pedagogical influence in the process of developing the artistic competence of senior pupils. The following techniques and methods of developing artistic competence are generalized: «discovery», thematic questions, «artistic cipher», «find commonalities» (intellectual component); «sensation, intrigue, mystery», «reincarnation», role-playing (emotional component); reportage photo, dramatization, dramatic sketch, improvisation, etc. (activity component). The examples prove that relying on the principle of artistic local history provides flexible, variable content, affects the intellectual component of artistic competence through students' perception of artistic examples from their living environment, causes an emotionally positive intellectual state of «recognition,» «discovery,» and special attention to a familiar artistic phenomenon. The presence of an artistic example of the native land among the world's outstanding creations evokes a positive emotional response, enriches high (intellectual, moral) feelings, and activates the creative potential of students.


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How to Cite
KryzhanovskaТ., & Korystiatynets, A. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF ARTISTIC COMPETENCE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS BY MEANS OF REGIONAL ART. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 43-47.