Keywords: pop vocal, instrumental accompaniment, recording studio, room acoustics, microphone, timbral coloring


The proposed article examines the factors of various audiovisual processes of sound recording of pop works with acoustic instrumental accompaniment. Artistic technologies of sound recording components in studio and concert activities are characterized. A review of specialized literature has been carried out according to the influence of the aesthetics of sound recording on the format of high-quality, professionallevel sound of pop works from the second half of the 20th century to the present. Vectors of modern scenophony have been analyzed as a new sound engineering concept that testifies to the radical transformation of various musical-sound elements in the process of creating an audio «product» of the pop genre. The algorithm for using microphone technology, factors of distinguishing acoustic sound plans in the format of sound of pop works with instrumental accompaniment in record studios and on concert venues have been determined. The influence of the aesthetics of sound recording on the dynamics of improving the skill of a pop singer who uses different modules of technical hardware computer equipment has been revealed. The article characterizes the relevant elements of work in the recording studio, in particular, adjusting the articulation of the text relative to acoustic conditions, achieving reverberation flightiness of the voice in the reproduction of sound in headphones, setting dynamic compressibility to avoid «squeezed» vocals, working out the balance between the sound of the voice of a pop singer and the loudness of instrumental accompaniment. Working in the studio for a modern pop singer is one of the most important functions in his creative career, so it is extremely important to help him in this new and little-studied business.


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How to Cite
Ovsiiuk, N., Prokopyuk, L., & Smetana, O. (2024). FEATURES OF SOUND RECORDING OF POP SINGERS IN THE FORMAT OF INSTRUMENTAL ACCOMPANIMENT. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 57-61. https://doi.org/10.32782/ART/2024-1-10