Keywords: modern children's song, preschoolers, singing development, creative tasks


The article is devoted to the problem of using modern children's songs in the creative development of preschoolers. It is determined that singing is one of the main types of musical activity, in the process of which the creative potential of the child is revealed, his/her emotional intelligence is formed, vocal skills are developed and creativity is stimulated. The necessity of updating children's song repertoire in the context of modern trends in the development of musical culture is clarified. A number of scientific research methods, in particular, analysis and synthesis, comparison, modeling, and generalization, make it possible to identify the peculiarities of composing for the younger generation in the context of intensive updating of technical means and reforming of the national system of preschool education. It has been found that contemporary Ukrainian authors (M. Vedmederya, H. Voloshchak, L. Horova, A. Komlikova, N. May, A. Migai, A. Nyukalo, O. Yanushkevych) in their works take into account the specifics of musical and expressive means of the children's song genre: simplicity of melodic formulas, accessibility and figurative expressiveness of poetic texts. The diverse themes of the contemporary children's song repertoire (family, patriotic, animalistic, landscape, game) allow the music teacher to effectively develop the singing voice in classes with preschoolers, and additional creative tasks (improvisation, staging, movements, color drawings) encourage students to show their imagination and imagination. At the same time, modern vocal music for children is enriched with the intonation vocabulary of popular pop songs and mostly has multimedia interactive content. A wide range of videos, soundtracks, animations, and karaoke apps helps to stimulate children's interest in singing and promotes the creative expression of a growing personality.


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How to Cite
Svaritsevych, V., & Svaritsevych, I. (2024). CREATIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL POTENTIAL OF MODERN SONG IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 89-93.