Keywords: distance learning, higher art education, students, performing arts, teacher-student


The article discusses the main features of the organization of professional training, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning for students of stage specialties in higher education institutions of Ukraine during the coronavirus epidemic and martial law. Crisis states of society have always exacerbated all social processes in countries, forcing them to look for alternative ways to solve urgent issues regarding the prospects for further survival. Every time a modern person faces the question of personal choice, he or she must consolidate his or her own energy capabilities and potentials to obtain the keys of knowledge to move into a new life reality. Such keys are updated with the code of each new era and they contain a personal formula that requires a personal cipher. The basis of such a cipher in times of particularly acute crisis in society is the manifestation of the ability to extract unmanifested or dormant potentials in a person that he or she never uses in his or her normal life. It is this principle that saves and helps people to reinstall themselves like a computer and start their lives in an updated state, but this is not always a pleasant process because it deprives people of their usual comfortable state. In the current realities of the protracted war in which our country is engaged, it is necessary to fully or partially use the distance learning format in higher education institutions, which has both advantages and disadvantages. A positive solution is a compromise combination of the two forms of education, so as not to lead to either a loss of quality of knowledge gained by students or a degradation of the ability of teachers to transfer their knowledge. Therefore, this situation has posed new challenges for teachers of artistic specialties, transforming approaches to the artistic educational process and increasing motivation in obtaining professional competencies by students.


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How to Cite
Hrynyshyn, M., & Ivanenko, O. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF ORGANIZING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE BACHELORS OF PERFORMING ARTS IN DISTANCE LEARNING. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (2), 11-15.