The article is devoted to the definition and substantiation of pedagogical conditions for the preparation of bachelors in economics for the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities. The authors note that the use of ICT contributes to the successful production of educational content, the implementation of creative ideas in practice, and the use of non-standard approaches to the training of bachelors in economics. Attention is drawn to constant substantive and organizational transformations in the methodology of training bachelors in economics. The authors suggest that teachers observe the following learning principles: – creation of a creative and searching atmosphere in classes, there is no expediency for the student to receive all the information in a ready-made form, because for several such classes his cognitive ability can become close to zero; – it is wrong to use only one form of activity in classes; – the goal of implementing innovative ideas is the implementation of new approaches to the teaching methodology, the application of new methods, technological potentials, multimedia training tools for the effectiveness of the personal development of an economic profile specialist in the future. Pedagogical conditions are interpreted as factors (circumstances) that enable optimal interaction between participants in the educational process. An important function of pedagogical conditions is the provision of opportunities for scientific and pedagogical workers to implement the management of obtaining information about ICT by bachelors in economics. The authors propose the following pedagogical conditions for the preparation of bachelors in economics for the use of ICT in professional activities: – focus of the content of the educational process (professional educational components) on the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities; – the use of interactive methods in the process of training bachelors in economics; – increasing the level of information and communication competence of scientific and pedagogical workers who teach disciplines in bachelor's degrees in economics; – expansion of creative possibilities of professional communication during industrial practice of bachelors in economics.
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