Keywords: Outstanding pianist, choir conductor, musician – ethnographer, music scientist, public figure.


The proposed article examines the achievements of modern Ukrainian music, which is the result of its close connection with the traditions of Ukrainian classical music, the advanced ideas of which were vividly embodied in the works of classical composers who expressed in their works the aspirations of the Ukrainian people for a free life, their moral character , character, faith in a better future. Ukrainian music occupies its rightful place among musical cultures, it is developing successfully, enriching itself with new outstanding achievements. The legacy of the founder of the Ukrainian school of composers occupies a prominent place in modern research works (more than thirty) from the point of view of modernity. M. Lysenko's work is still being interpreted in a new way and in his vision takes its proper place in the past, present and future. The direct successors of the best creative traditions of M. Lysenko in Ukrainian musical culture were (K. Stetsenko, Ya. Stepovy, M. Leontovych). Lysenko's activities are very broad: he was a composer, pianist, teacher, conductor, scientist – folklorist, and an active musical and public figure. With his theoretical works (about the characteristic features of Ukrainian thoughts and songs performed by kobzar Ostap Veresay, and about Ukrainian folk musical instruments, etc.). M.V. Lysenko formed and developed almost all genres existing in Ukrainian musical creativity. His legacy includes a significant number of beautiful operas and musical-dramatic works, many choirs, romances and chamber-instrumental compositions. M. Lysenko wrote a glorious page in the musical culture of Ukraine with his musical, public and performing activities.


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How to Cite
Ustenko, K. (2025). M. V. LYSENKO – PROGRESSIVE FIGURE OF UKRAINIAN MUSICAL CULTURE. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (3), 39-42. https://doi.org/10.32782/ART/2024-3-7