• Horina Larysa
Keywords: folk instruments, domra, technique, metro-rhythm, musical education, paremias.


The article examines the methodological and theoretical issues of metro-rhythm formation in the domra class. Metro-rhythmic organization of sounds is the basis of a musical work. Due to the leading role of melodic in Ukrainian music, the singing of the house cantilena, it became urgent to address the gaps in the issue of metro-rhythm education. The analysis of domrist methodical literature proves that in the musical education of domrists, the main importance is given to the methods of work on sound production. Based on the percussive nature of sound production on the domra, considerable attention is directed to the technique of alternating various beats, short and rhythmic tremolo. Using this natural structural rhythmicity of game techniques, the author offers musical education based on examples of poetic forms of Ukrainian folklore. Such teaching, built on the kinship of the meter of musical and poetic forms, enables the teacher to discover associative connections between the content of paremy and musical constructions. The scientific research was carried out by the methods of studying the scientific and methodological literature on this issue, analyzing the metric construction of musical phrases and stanzas of folklore samples, and their comparative characteristics. Especially attention-grabbing skills are the performance of incomplete beat movement with the use of iambic stanzas of paremies. The significant effectiveness of the method of chanting poetic forms at the initial stages of learning contributes to the development of fluency in various attacks of sound production, the alternation of stressed and unstressed sounds, and hence the sense of metric construction. The proposed article is a certain scientific view on the subject of the development of metro-rhythm and the encouragement to use organic for the perception of folklore samples of Ukrainian culture.


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How to Cite
Larysa, H. (2023). FORMATION OF A SENSE OF METRO-RHYTHM IN THE DOMRA CLASS BY MEANS OF FOLKLORE. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 9-13.