• Daryna Kondrachuk
Keywords: instrumental music making, creative development, musical instruments, preschoolers, musical abilities.


The article examines and defines the meaning of the concept of “instrumental music making”. It was determined that the involvement of children in playing musical instruments should be implemented in the procedural triad: knowledge of a musical instrument and its sound, practical assimilation of performing skills in reproductive forms of work and improvisation based on acquired listening and performing experience. The issue of the organization of instrumental music making with children of preschool age at music lessons is highlighted. The problem of awakening interest in music among preschoolers through their involvement in playing various musical instruments (toy instruments, home-made instruments and instruments close to “adult” music making of strings, brass, and percussions) is considered. Important points related to the educational tasks of this direction of work with preschoolers, methods of teaching children to play musical instruments, and selection of musical material are outlined. Considerable attention is paid to the initial stage of work on instrumental creativity with preschoolers. Emphasis is placed on the importance of introducing problem-searching tasks that will stimulate children’s independent creative work. Reproductive and creative forms of instrumental music making are considered. Considerable attention is paid to the initial stage of work on the inclusion of preschoolers in instrumental music making, which should be systematic and consistent. Instrumental music making is considered as an important form of artistic and aesthetic activity, which contributes to the comprehensive development of a child’s musical and creative abilities. 


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How to Cite
Kondrachuk, D. (2023). MUSICAL AND CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC MAKING. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 14-18.