• Sviatoslav Melnychuk
Keywords: aesthetic values, musical culture, musical art, national cultural values, human culture, spiritual and aesthetic.


The article defines the features of the formation of musical art in the modern world, focusing on the challenges of the present. In this scientific study, the author identifies the main vectors of transformational trends in the cultural values of our time, and also explicates the role and place of musical art in general. The research result is the modern forms of aesthetic values, the most common in the cultural environment. The study noted that a person assimilated with this component of being realizes a high degree of its significance and meaningfulness – this is a complex polyconstructed cultural phenomenon containing new great opportunities. The author, analyzing the real challenges of neo-cultural trends in the focus of the twentieth century, points to negative processes in the formation of aesthetic culture, and suggests ways to overcome them. The author determines the peculiarities of musical art formation in the modern world, for these purpose reveals the main directions of cultural values changes, tells that the research results are mentioned modern forms of aesthetic values, the most common in culture medium, shows negative processes in aesthetic culture formation, particularly in the music of Ukraine, and suggests the ways of their overcoming. We believe that the analysis of the spiritual and aesthetic values of an artist’s work should be based on a comprehensive study of all the main cultural values of our time, i.e. one of the tasks here is to analyze the features of the manifestation of contemporary cultural and aesthetic values in works of musical art. Evaluation of the aesthetic values of artistic creations, even being fairly objective in scientific research, cannot be comprehensive and categorical. We hope that a number of our ideas may turn out to be useful in the scientific and conceptual aspect for future research within the framework of this problem. In the article new tendencies in creativity of musicians-composers and performance of modern music art are considered. The article is about the use by modern authors of the latest technical, timbre features of musical instruments for the embodiment of their creative ideas. The system of higher musical education tries to preserve the value of traditions in the format of new requirements. As a result, the choice will always remain for the new generation – this is to accept or not to acce pt, or to adapt to changing conditions.


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How to Cite
Melnychuk, S. (2023). MUSICAL ART IN THE FRONT OF CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES: ART ANALYSIS. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 29-33.