• Volodymyr Onischuk
  • Oksana Smetana
Keywords: distance learning, musical art, music-computer technologies, educational space, pop music, intellectual potential, educational process, personalized approach.


In the content of this article, the main vectors of distance learning in higher educational institutions in the field of art are revealed. Based on the analysis of scientific works and methodical recommendations, an attempt was made to make sure that the distance format, to a certain extent, can be adapted in musical educational practice. Therefore, in the process of dominance of remoteness in the musical academic space, in our opinion, adequate models of learning technology should be formed. Distance learning is a new educational experience that appeared in Ukraine in connection with various pandemic factors, it is a form of organization of the educational process, which is based, for the most part, on the independent form of the student. And in order for this format of knowledge acquisition to become effective, it is necessary, in our opinion, to research and adapt new forms and modes of training in music institutions to the modern requirements of education. In the article, we described the organization and provision of the educational process of distance education in synchronous and asynchronous mode for students of music education. In the conditions of rapid informatization of society, we analyze the vector of changes in the technology of the modern educational space, methods of expanding and deepening the intellectual capabilities of students’ professional work with information flows, the development of critical thinking and professional competence of future teachers-musicians. We believe that such formats should be inextricably linked with new methods and directions of distance learning and can be expanded and diversified with the help of music and computer technologies. The accumulation of knowledge, resources and creative possibilities in the field of ICT in the process of distance learning has a serious impact not only on the informational music space, but also, in general, on the creation and performance of musical information. In this regard, there is an urgent need for specialist musicians who accumulate and use such knowledge. Therefore, the most expedient direction in the educational process with music-computer technologies is the activation of the following directions: stimulation of cognitive activity, formation of interactivity of students’ musical thinking, development of user intuition, ability to analyze and quickly learn modern music technologies in various directions. For the formation of this kind of musical knowledge, we considered in the article the use of relevant Internet resources as practical creative platforms for training and professional development of students, teachers of the department of pop music of RDSU. The task of comprehensive implementation of distance educational practice, in our opinion, should in the future create an “intellectual” system of training and constant updating of the competence of students of the “Musical Art” direction of the university, will allow to form a person-oriented approach to education, increase the level of educational musical achievements and interest in music art.


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How to Cite
Onischuk, V., & Smetana, O. (2023). IMPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS-MUSICIANS IN THE FORMAT OF DISTANCE EDUCATION. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 34-38.