The article covers the modern methodological approaches that enhance the activation process of the professional training of an orchestral conductor with due allowance to the modern demands. It is stated that the professional training of an orchestral conductor in the art higher educational establishments is traditionally focused on the educational and creative tasks performance first of all. Such tradition exists due to the fact that it has been always believed that a conductor who is proficient in conducting and has proper musical and theoretical knowledge will be able to solve art problems among the group. This activity is regarded as an art activity with independence, individual style of art problems solving, with the proper way of the stated goal realization from one hand (conducing and orchestral activities) and as an activity that is a part of social relationships that are subject to laws and regulations from another hand. So we regard the professional training of a conductor from the personal sense perspective that necessitates to the necessity of the analyzing of student’s consciousness and self-consciousness. The dynamics of the mentioned education has been proved through self-actualization and self-esteem to the art realization of individual strategies of the professional experience acquirements in the conducting and orchestral activities. Specific attention is paid to the revealing of problems that influence the formation of a future orchestral conductor’s personal structure. The defined by us methodological approaches prove the dynamics of the mentioned personal formation in the professional activity through self-actualization and self-esteem to the formation and art realization of individual strategies of the professional experience acquirements in the conducting and orchestral activities. The selected approaches are the integrative entity that reflects the holistic comprehensive manner of the researched personal formation of an orchestral conductor.
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