• N. B. Hrytsai
Keywords: information and communication technologies, digital tools, teaching methodology of biology, distance learning, digital applications, human anatomy.


The article is devoted to digital educational resources and their usage in the human anatomy teaching. At the present stage, especially in the distance learning conditions, the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is increasing. The study of biology requires the implementation of a number of digital resources for educational material visualization, biological phenomena demonstration, biological processes modeling, etc. The analysis of ICT possibilities application in the human anatomy teaching on the example of specific digital resources is the purpose of the article. The course “Human anatomy” consists in familiarizing of students with the structure of human organs and organ systems, which involves the digital applications usage. Inner Body is one of the effective digital resources, which will not only deepen the knowledge of higher education students about the structure of human organ systems, but it will also help them to learn anatomical terms in English and give the opportunity to perform training tests, etc. In addition, the presented study offers specific independent methodological developments on human anatomy on various online resources that can be used in the educational process. Numerous tasks on human anatomy for students of higher education can be placed on such basic resources as Genially, Thinglink, Sutori, online boards Padlet, Milanote, Lino, Miro and others. The proposed “digital” lesson was developed by the author during the “Digital Teacher’s Space” workshop, organized by the laboratory of the critical thinking development of the National Centre of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It provides a short presentation of educational material on human anatomy, interactive exercises, familiarization with additional information about the human body and its health, surveys, etc. It has been established that the digital applications usage increases the motivation of students to study human anatomy, stimulates cognitive interest and activity, helps to diversify the types of educational activities of students during the classes, increases their level of independence, provides deepening, generalization and systematization of knowledge on the academic discipline.


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How to Cite
Hrytsai, N. B. (2024). THE DIGITAL TOOLS USING IN THE HUMAN ANATOMY STUDIES. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 12-18.