• A. M. Lytvynenko
Keywords: Ukrainian sports martial arts, Cossack Fight, horting, female athletes, training process, special biological cycle.


The article examines the problems of organizing the training of female athletes in Ukrainian national martial arts. It is shown that Ukrainian national types of martial arts: horting, Cossack Fight, Ukrainian hand-to-hand combat “Spas”, Ukrainian belt wrestling, hopak hand-to-hand combat are built on the basis of traditional Ukrainian martial culture. The research reveals the technical and tactical features of competitive divisions in the most popular types of Ukrainian martial arts, Cossack Fight and horting. The researched structure of sports training in Ukrainian national martial arts, which is represented by a regular pedagogical process aimed at achieving maximum competitive results in the main competitions of the cycle. An increase in the number of female athletes who are permanently involved in the training process in the system of sports clubs and branches of the State University of Sports and Youth and participate in competitions of various ranks according to their qualification level has been determined. The analysis of literary sources and the practical experience of training work with female athletes prove that the rapid growth of the popularity of Ukrainian national martial arts among women necessitates the development of new methodological approaches to the construction of the training process. It is also determined that a stable trend in Ukrainian martial arts is the rapid growth of competition at sports competitions in Ukraine, Europe and the world. The growth of popularity among female athletes in Cossack Fight in competitive sections with dosed, light and real touch was determined, which is connected with the greater practical value of these sections in comparison with conditional-contact competitive sections. A comparison of the number of female athletes in Cossack Fight and horting shows that Cossack Fight are more attractive to them, which is due to the presence of a large number of competitive divisions and the opportunity to use their technical and tactical arsenal and physical capabilities in duels. The need to take into account the reproductive function of women’s body during sports selection, training and competitive activities is shown. It was determined that heavy loads in the system of long-term training of female athletes in Ukrainian martial arts should be applied only after the formation of a specific biological cycle. This approach allows you to maintain health and has a positive effect on the reproductive function of female athletes. It has been established that taking into account the phases of a specific biological cycle when dosing training loads contributes to improving the competitive results of female athletes, which is most evident in the long-term process of sports training.


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How to Cite
Lytvynenko, A. M. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF WOMEN’S SPORTS TRAINING IN UKRAINIAN NATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 39-43.
Physical culture and sports