• S. V. Semenovych
  • I. V. Davydiuk
  • T. V. Butenko
Keywords: power sports, education seekers, modern terminology, principles of training, health promotion.


The article highlights theoretical conclusions regarding terminology in strength sports. The preparation of students for terminology in strength sports includes understanding the basic concepts, terms and methods used in these sports. Major strength sports include weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman, and others. It is important to consider the importance of encouraging students to engage in strength sports by providing them with clear and accessible information about the benefits and possibilities of these types of training. A review and analysis of scientific research related to strength sports is established to deepen the understanding of these disciplines and their impact on physical development. It is recommended to use a clear understanding of the principles and methods of training in strength disciplines. It is emphasized that it is necessary to spread information about power sports, promote their popularization and attract new supporters. The article aims to study and reveal the problems of preparing students and pupils for terminology in strength sports. Key aspects such as basic concepts of the muscular system, exercise technique, training process, nutrition and safety are discussed. The importance of mastering this terminology for the successful study and practice of strength sports is noted. The authors emphasize the educational and educational purpose of the article, as well as practical and motivational aspects, contributing to increasing interest in these types of physical activity and increasing the level of education in this field. The work serves as a target orientation for both education seekers and teachers who strive to effectively teach and study strength sports in the education system. Attention is drawn to the practical aspect and motivational factors, contributing to increased interest and activity in this area. The work is distinguished by its action on the development of a high-quality educational process, as well as on the practical application of knowledge in power sports to achieve optimal results. In general, understanding and studying terminology in strength sports determines success in this field, contributing to the development of physical qualities and raising the general level of sports culture among young people.


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How to Cite
Semenovych, S. V., Davydiuk, I. V., & Butenko, T. V. (2024). STRENGTH SPORTS: TRAINING STUDENTS FOR TERMINOLOGY. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 44-47.
Physical culture and sports