Today, global climate change has become one of the biggest environmental problems to which humanity’s attention is focused. Its consequences are dangerous weather cataclysms, sudden weather changes, floods, strong winds, showers and rains, hail, droughts, which lead to significant ecological and economic losses all over the world. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the last three years have been the warmest years on record. Increasing unpredictability of weather conditions threatens food production, rising sea levels increases the risk of natural disasters. The article examines the global trends of climate change, which is one of the most urgent threats with a long-term negative impact on the population, the environment, and the economy. It has been found that the impact of global climate change on human health can be direct or indirect. In addition, the consequences related to greenhouse gas emissions are highlighted separately. It was determined that the consequences of direct exposure are the consequences of abnormal heat, temperature changes, changes in atmospheric pressure and extreme events that lead to exacerbation of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (hypertensive disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, asthma). Among the indirect effects, it is worth highlighting the shift of climatic zones, as a result of which the distribution areas of animals and organisms that can be carriers of dangerous infectious diseases are changing. The main sources of greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on atmospheric air pollution are analyzed. It was determined that the biggest air polluters are thermal power plants and metallurgical plants. It has been found that about seven million people die prematurely each year from the consequences of air pollution, primarily from coronary heart disease, pneumonia, stroke, obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer. A report by IQAir, which monitors air quality around the world, found that in 2022, only six countries and seven territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean will meet the World Health Organization’s requirements. It has been found that, according to the World Health Organization’s estimate, between 2030 and 2050, global climate change may cause about 250.000 deaths worldwide each year. The WHO also predicts that in the future climate changes may seriously affect health. In particular, frequent extreme weather conditions can lead to an increase in injury rates and sometimes mortality. Outbreaks of infectious diseases are possible after floods. It has been determined which countries are in the risk zone. The main goals of the Action Plan to achieve zero air, water and soil pollution, which was adopted by the European Commission in 2021, were analyzed.
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