Keywords: mobile learning; digital applications; online identifiers; research work; biology teacher training; mycology; mushrooms; Picture Mushroom; Mushroom Identifier; Shroom ID


Today, mobile learning and the use of digital technologies in the educational process are developing rapidly. The article reveals the methodological principles of using online identifiers in the educational process in higher education institutions in the training of future biologists and biology teachers, their readiness to conduct lessons and electives, conduct out-of-class and out-of-school work in biology, and prepare students to write research projects. The most popular online mushroom identifiers were studied: Picture Mushroom, ShroomID, and Mushroom Identifier. Step-by-step instructions for using these apps are provided. All of them are available for download and work in two modes: in real time, if you have access to a camera and the Internet; when you save photos to the mobile device gallery and identify the species after a certain time. According to the study results, all of the online mushroom identifiers considered showed fairly high rates of correct identification (55–85%). However, but we found Picture Mushrooms to be the most effective and promising. One advantage of using this application is the fast and accurate identification of over 14,000 mushroom species. Additionally, the application offers an expanded database, a user-friendly interface, and the ability to communicate with community members. The use of online mushroom identifiers has been successfully tested during the educational process at the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University among students of the Biology program at the bachelor's level of higher education. Based on the results of the student survey, the use of mobile online identifiers was found to enhance understanding of the systematics and biodiversity of fungi, increase interest in mycology, and improve recognition of poisonous and edible fungi in the area. We consider it promising to use mobile online mushroom identifiers when organizing and conducting botanical practices, field trips, studying mycology, writing term papers and qualification papers by students, as well as monitoring the state of mushroom populations, etc.


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How to Cite
Pluzhnyk, A. V., Romaniuk, R. K., Shevchuk, S. Y., & Astakhova, L. Y. (2024). USING DIGITAL ONLINE MUSHROOM IDENTIFIERS IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING BIOLOGY. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 26-36.