The education system needs a high-quality and innovative approach to human needs, the formation of sustainable motivations for physical culture and sports activities as an important component of a healthy lifestyle and positive social behavior. The purpose of the article is to study of the psychophysiological and pedagogical conditions of the formation of sports motivation for volleyball among students of professional pre-university and higher education. The research methods: analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodological literature and information sources of the Internet. The article analyzes the main characteristics and advantages of volleyball among game sports are given. The importance and influence of volleyball classes on the physical condition and health of students of higher education. The content of the concepts of motive and motivation for physical activity is revealed. The analyzed stages of sports selection of applicants for volleyball classes. The effectiveness of using the methodology of conducting physical education classes in professional pre-higher and higher education institutions by mean of volleyball is substantiated. The necessary conditions for the correct preparation of the educational process in physical education are characterized. The initial stage of volleyball training is analyzed. The volume and content of volleyball training exercises are determined depending on the physical fitness of the applicants. The main exercises for improving the physical qualities of volleyball players are considered: jumps, speed, agility, endurance and psychological preparation. The characterized technical and tactical volleyball training. The psychophysiological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of sports motivation for volleyball among students of professional pre-university and higher education are determined. The main groups of motives for physical education and sports are analyzed. The main factors of increasing the motivation of students to engage in physical culture and sports though volleyball are determined. Further research in this direction may relate to the issue of studying the dynamics of the development of personal qualities depending on the chosen sport and skill level for the organization of the educational and training process in institutions of higher education.
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