The article examines the issue of optimizing the technical and tactical training of female athletes in the Ukrainian national form of martial arts – the Cossack Fight. The formation of modern national single combat – Cossack Fight, based on traditional Ukrainian martial culture, is shown. The data of modern scientific literature on optimization of women’s sports training were analyzed. The training activity of qualified female athletes in the Cossack Fight (competitive division – hertz 3) was studied. The sample of this study included 28 qualified female athletes from the Ukrainian national form of martial arts, the Cossack Fight (competitive division Hertz 3), with the following characteristics: age 17–24 years. Qualification level of the participants: 2 masters of sports of Ukraine, 8 candidates for master of sports of Ukraine and 18 sportswomen of the 1 category. Comparison of indicators of technical and tactical preparedness of the groups at the end of the study also shows greater shifts in the experimental group (>0.05). This especially applies to the ability to build tactics (t=2.40; p<0.05), as the coefficients of attacking and defensive actions have a greater range of their application in the experimental group. The use in the training process of technical and tactical training of significant and heavy loads in the postmenstrual and postovulatory phases of a specific biological cycle and reducing the load in other phases of the OMC contributes to the reliable growth of the most informative indicators of the technical and tactical preparedness of female Cossack dueling athletes. When planning the system of women's technical-tactical training in Ukrainian national martial arts, it is advisable to take into account the specific biological cycle, which contributes to increasing the effectiveness of competitive activities during the annual training cycle.
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