Keywords: physical activity, physical exercise, stress, recovery


The intensity and complexity of modern life are felt at the psychological level, leading to increased stress reactions. These accumulated reactions from experiences and negative emotions can pose a threat to our psychological well-being. When stress interferes with normal life for an extended period, its impact on the mind and body becomes even more detrimental. Various theories have attempted to explain the phenomenon of stress, but contemporary research indicates that it is more complex than previously thought. Over the past decade, numerous studies have been conducted on the impact of stress on life, making it evident that prolonged stress can adversely affect health, personality, and creative potential. Therefore, increasing attention is being paid to stress management methods, particularly through physical activity. The article explores how physical activity can influence stress management and the prevention of stressrelated conditions. Many researchers believe that a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical exercises, sports, massage, healthy sleep, and tempering, can be an effective method of treating and preventing stress. The integration of these approaches into the practice of future physical education and sports professionals is a key aspect of their professional training, allowing them not only to understand but also to successfully apply knowledge of stress management in their work with clients. It is important to emphasize that physical activity plays a role not only in physical but also in mental health. Regular exercises help reduce stress levels and improve mood due to the release of endorphins – hormones of happiness. This positive effect can be especially beneficial for students and young professionals who often encounter stress during their studies or work. It has been established that incorporating physical exercises into daily life contributes to improved sleep quality, which is also important for reducing stress and overall well-being. Sound sleep and recovery after physical exertion help the body recover and recharge for future challenges. The integration of physical activity into everyday life is an essential component for maintaining mental and physical health.


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How to Cite
Nikolenko, O. I., Nikolenko, I. M., Bezbah, P. V., Fedorenko, V. A., & Yarmak, O. M. (2024). SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO STRESS MANAGEMENT THROUGH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 55-59.
Physical culture and sports