Keywords: potential, land resources, tourism, recreation, Polissky region, GIS technologies, Google Dynamic World


The article analyzes the use of geoinformation technologies in the process of studying the potential of land resources of the Polissky region of Ukraine. An analysis of the structure of land resources was carried out using GOOGLE / DYNAMICWORLD / V1. based on the ArcGIS PRO and R programs. The potential of land resources of each region was studied, the advantages and features of the physical and geographical location of the Polissky region were revealed. GIS maps and tables themselves were visualized using digital image processing systems (remote sensing data) in a single integrated environment: geographic location of the region; territory analysis; potential classification and land cover structure. A comparison of the territory of the Polissky region based on Google Dynamic World statistics (as of January 31, 2024) and the official statistics of Ukraine showed that the data obtained as a result of research differ slightly due to the peculiarities of satellite images and certain reflective properties of the earth's surface, but they are not significant enough. It was noted that the Polissky region has the necessary resource potential for tourist and recreational activities. It is noted that tourism and recreation in conditions of digitization is one of the traditional fields of application of geoinformation technologies. The regions of the Polissky region have unique natural potentials and historical and cultural significance. The creation of applied geoinformation systems of a wide profile will help to solve modern tasks, such as the accounting of the potential, its protection, environmental problems and its popularization. It is proven that the study of land resources of the Polissky region with the help of geoinformation systems helped to form the main methodical measures for tourist and recreational specialization of the regions of the Polissky region. The proposed directions for the specialization of the areas of the Polissky region will allow to localize tourist and recreational activities at specified objects and, in the future, move to the regulation of the recreational impact on natural ecosystems (accumulation of waste, step-by-step, transport and social load, land acquisition for development for tourism and recreation) in their limits.


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How to Cite
Zapototskyi, S. P., & Tyshchenko, S. V. (2024). POTENTIAL FOR THE USE OF LAND RESOURCES OF THE POLISH REGION AS A PREREQUISITE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM AND RECREATION BASED ON GIS TECHNOLOGIES. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 67-75. https://doi.org/10.32782/NSER/2024-2.10