Keywords: science education, science knowledge, innovations, integration, integrated courses, science teaching methodology, research approach


The article deals with the current state of science education in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the number of applicants who choose the specialties related to natural sciences in our country is insufficient, which negatively affects the development of natural sciences. In addition, the PISA survey showed that the level of scientific literacy of Ukrainian fifteen-year-old schoolchildren is lower than the average in Europe. The foreign experience of science education, which can be useful for Ukrainian realities, is analyzed and summarized in the article. The computerization of the educational process, the formation of cellular science knowledge during integrated courses, the implementation of research-oriented education are identified as the main trends in modern world science education. The expediency of introducing integrated courses in the field of natural science education in the New Ukrainian School is depicted. The model programs of the integrated courses «Natural Sciences», «Learning about nature», «Environment» for 5-6 classes of general secondary education institutions were analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the need to train teachers in the specialty 014.15 Secondary Education (Natural Sciences). The universities of Ukraine, where such training is provided, are stated and the peculiarities of their educational programs are featured. The implementation of competence teaching of schoolchildren (formation of competences in natural sciences through groups studying, projects implementation, formation of critical thinking, etc.); implementation of the research approach in teaching natural science subjects (research-oriented teaching); computerization of the educational process (multimedia boards, electronic textbooks, virtual laboratories, virtual excursions, simulators, etc.); integration of the content of natural sciences for the formation of a holistic natural and scientific picture of the world; establishment of cooperation between general secondary and higher schools are outlined as the main areas of science education improvement in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Hrytsai, N. B. (2023). SCIENCE EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 5-10.