Keywords: gerontology, geriatrics, rate of aging, palliative care, psychological contact, empathy, communication, geriatrician


The article is devoted the research of the necessity to study the discipline “Gerontology and geriatrics” in the preparation of applicants for higher education specialty 222 “Medicine”. The need to study the discipline “Gerontology and Geriatrics” is caused by the rapid aging of the population in Europe and Ukraine in particular, which leads to an increase in the number of geriatric patients, as well as an increase in cancer among the population and high mortality from them, which requires geriatric and palliative care. Starting in 2022 with the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country into the territory of Ukraine, geriatric patients also need enhanced psychological assistance and support as one of the most vulnerable groups of patients. Accordingly, one of the important aspects that will contribute to the successful preventive and curative work with these categories of patients is the formation of skills of the future doctor in prevention, early detection, and, today, it is extremely important to establish psychological contact with both the patient himself and his family. The object of the activity of geriatrics is the protection of the health of people over the age of 60, the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of the elderly. Today, the task of providing academic training in fundamental and clinical biomedical sciences and preparing applicants for higher education for the professional activities of a family doctor and, in particular, a geriatrician in the relevant primary position by acquiring general and special competencies, the scope of which is described by a certain list of syndromes and symptoms of diseases, medical emergencies, physiological conditions and diseases requiring special tactics of geriatric patients management; laboratory and instrumental research and medical manipulation. Geriatrics, unlike many other medical specialties, requires an individual approach to elderly patients and establishing interpersonal relationships with both the patient and his family members, which requires future specialists to acquire communication, cooperation and empathy skills.


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How to Cite
Dubovenko, Z. O., & Lekhnitska, S. I. (2024). DISCIPLINE “GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS” AS A SIGNIFICANT COMPONENT OF TRAINING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS MAJORING IN SPECIALTY 222 “MEDICINE”. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (3), 22-26. https://doi.org/10.32782/NSER/2024-3.03