The article analyzes how the level of formation of health-saving competencies in students affects the further choice of life position. It was studied how knowledge about one's own health and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for its preservation and strengthening is consistent with the immediate lifestyle of students. It was determined how students' awareness of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle is combined with their attitude to their own health and contributes to its preservation. In the research process, it was established that all respondents have a sufficiently high level of health-saving competences and awareness of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle for the possibility of realizing further life plans. At the same time, some of the respondents do not follow this, noting that it is difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle due to the lack of time, temptation of taste and already having good health. The respondents note that the absence of bad habits, good heredity, material well-being and the ecological state of the environment are important factors for good health. Therefore, first you need to achieve success, get a good job, which will improve your financial situation and contribute to the realization of a healthy lifestyle in full. The respondents' attitude to healthy eating and their consumption of fast food was analyzed. The analysis of respondents' attitude to their own way of eating showed that although all respondents are aware of the negative impact of harmful food on the body, they cannot completely refuse to eat it. Respondents note that fast food is easily available, does not require a special place of consumption and has increased taste qualities. It was determined that a significant part of the respondents controls their own physical condition by regularly playing sports and visiting sports clubs, believing that a combination of physical activity and quality nutrition is enough for good health, therefore the respondents control their weight, noting that this indicator is one of the most important to analyze their state of health. It was established that the majority of respondents have good knowledge about health and the basic principles of leading a healthy lifestyle, and there are a number of reasons preventing them from following it, one of which is the lack of “willpower”.
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