The article is devoted to the study of the influence of growth regulating preparations containing phytohormones or modifiers of their action on the processes of seeds germination of cabbage and formation of its seedlings. Cabbage is a traditional crop that can be grown both in private farms and on production sites. The use of plant growth regulators in the cultivation of cabbage creates the potential to improve plant productivity. The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of growth regulators on seed germination and seedling formation of cabbage. In the studies, growth stimulants Regoplant, Gibb Plus and the anti-gibberellin growth inhibitor Chlormequat chloride were used. During the research, a positive effect of the use of drugs on the sowing qualities of cabbage seeds was established. An increase in the seed germination energy under the influence of development stimulants was noted. It was found that seed germination and sowing suitability were higher in all experimental variants compared to the control. The highest indicators were found when using the preparation Gibb plus. The formation of normally developed seedling plants is the key to active further growth of the crop and the forming of the future harvest. It was confirmed that the use of growth stimulants contributed to the enhanced development of vegetative organs and the increase in the linear dimensions of the stem and root. The maximum height of the shoot is set for plants after treatment with Gibb plus solution, the length of the root system – under the influence of the Regoplant stimulator. It was established that under the action of morphoregulators, the transverse dimensions of the shoot increased. The largest stem thickness was under the influence of Chlormequat chloride, it was formed due to deceleration the growth of the shoot in height. It was proved that the action of morphoregulators also increased the survival rate of cabbage seedlings. Among the stimulant drugs, the survival rate was highest in the Regoplant variant. It was found that young cabbage plants survived the best after treatment with Chlormequat chloride, because it produced seedlings with a strong shortened stem and better root development.
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