The article analyses the issues of logistical principles of organising recreation for the population of Zhytomyr agglomeration. It is noted that this is an integrated innovative and active system of integrated development of the territory that solves problems of all levels, and its advantages are shown. It is proved that the population of an urban agglomeration needs to maintain its emotional, physical and psychological state in order to live a full life, which can be achieved by organising weekend recreation. The spatial location of the Zhytomyr agglomeration and its cities is studied using geographic information systems. It is noted that after the decentralisation reform, the boundaries of the agglomeration itself have changed, but not significantly. Its territory now covers Zhytomyr and Berdychiv districts and satellite cities such as Berdychiv, Andrushivka, Korostyshiv and Cherniakhiv. It also includes rural settlements located between them. The article analyses the tourist and recreational facilities of the Zhytomyr region and shows the nature reserve fund. It is noted that in the plan for implementing the development strategy of the Zhytomyr region for the period up to 2027, there was a focus on strengthening tourist zones, developing regional trends and priority types of tourism, but the issues of weekend recreation were not given due attention. With the help of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the region and data from leading travel agencies and tour operators, the most famous tourist and recreational facilities that are in demand and are constantly visited were identified. Using the GEE platform based on GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1, the logistics of the distance from the centre of the Zhytomyr urban agglomeration to the mentioned tourist and recreational facilities are analysed, and the material and time costs for their implementation are determined. It is proved that the most visited are the objects with lower material and technical costs and vice versa. The popular destinations of weekend tourism in the Zhytomyr agglomeration and the region are studied.
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