The article is devoted to the identification of methodological approaches to the application of commemorative and jubilee coins of Ukraine in the school course “Ukraine in the world: nature, population” for the formation of students’ cartographic knowledge and skills. The importance of coins as means of numismatic geography and as means of teaching geography is highlighted. The detailed methodical recommendations for the application of Ukrainian coins while studying such cartographic projections as azimuthal normal, azimuthal transverse and azimuthal oblique and additionally Van der Grinten projections are given. The authors analyze geographical content of the following coins of Ukraine, containing cartographic images: “10 years of the Antarctic station “Akademik Vernadsky””, “50 years of the United Nations Organization”, “165 years of the Astronomical Observatory of the Kyiv National University”, “Volodymyr Koretsky”, “To participants in combat actions on the territory of other states”, “100 years of world aviation and the 70th anniversary of the National Aviation University”, “The first launch of the Zenit-3SL launch vehicle”. While studying the coins, students are asked to determine the projection of the depicted map, characterize its properties, explain the choice of projection for this particular design, as well as briefly dwell on the coin’s theme and existing images of geographical objects or phenomena. The proposed tasks based on the mentioned coins are intended to reinforce the acquired skills of working with geographic coordinates. The examples of establishing intrasubject and intersubject connections are presented. Some attention is paid to the detection of cartographic errors on individual coins, in particular the location of continents and individual objects relative to the geographic grid on the map. The coins containing interesting variants of the map of Europe and Ukraine, which can be used for studying relevant themes, as well as coins with images of orientation tools, geodetic and astronomical instruments, and features of cartographic and geodetic measurements are revealed. The practical significance of applying the tools of numismatic geography in the school geography course is demonstrated.
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