Currently, it is being revealed the problem of actual training of future readers of geography – the foundation of the world’s knowledge – Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko. It is indicated that in systems of secondary qualification today there are the necessary qualifications and competencies in teachers with high level knowledge, expedient and habitual knowledge are associated with the critical thinking of the individuals. It has been studied that the educational components of the professional training of future geography teachers are aimed at improving general and professional knowledge, at developing skills that allow the use of modern pedagogical technologies, for the development of professionally significant personal qualities as an integral part of the pedagogical culture, encouraging the development of skills in the future specialty. Methodological apparatus for teaching geography; carry out the educational process in all its diversity; master algorithmized elements of professional technologies and develop a creative attitude towards their implementation. It is highlighted that in the process of practical training, future specialists systematize and improve the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in local history activities, which makes it possible to achieve a number of pedagogical goals; this is also a prerequisite for educational influence on the individuals and becomes the basis of spiritual values, allows one to study the best achievements of the culture of the people, ensure the continuity of life of generations. It is realized that the professional development of a future geography teacher is a long process of developing methodological competencies, methodological actions, self-design of certain types of activities, and the formation of an individual methodological style. It is analyzed the level of training and readiness of future geography teachers for professional activities in general secondary education institutions. It was determined the level of methodological readiness of future geography teachers and the most accessible methods and technologies for teaching geography at the Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University.
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