The position of health in the structure of human values is determined by its importance as the fundamental basis for the proper realization of the competences and opportunities of each person. Scientists pay attention to the indicators of decrease in human health reserves, including poor physical activity, social, political and environmental problems, etc. Exploring the number of scientific studies has shown the interest of the scientific community to such a problems like the influence of various factors on the state of health of mature aged men, peculiarity of the posture disorders of persons of mature age, morphobiomechanical features of mature aged men with different posture types, modern methods and technologies of human posture disorders correction in health fitness activities. By its content, the human body spatial organization is characterized by a complex of morphological and functional indicators that forms the externality of the human body and relates to the characteristics of physical condition and human’s health, defines its motional potential. The peculiarity of the body spatial organization of the men aged 26–31 years old who are engaged in health fitness is examined in the article. The research was performed in compliance with the requirements of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects”. When studying the frequency divisions histograms you’ll find out that frequency division of the α 1 angle formed by the vertical and the line that is connecting the spinous process of the vertebra C7 and the center of mass (CM) of the head was symmetrical and almost normal for the group of men aged 26–28 years old, the main part of numbers is concentrated between 30 and 31 degrees with their vertex in the center making up 31 degrees. All examined male goniometric characteristics were found to differ significantly from the normal ones, indicating an incorrect head flexion (less than normal angle of the head flexion, formed by the vertical and the line that is connecting the spinous process of the vertebra C7 and the center of mass of a head), spinal overflexion (angle α3 greater than normal one), detecting the systemic biogeometric posture disorder which needs to be corrected. Also, no significant differences in the body goniometry for men aged 26–28 years old and men aged 29–31 years old were found out. Consequently, the development and implementation of special posture correction programs intended for correction of the head flexion and reduction of the spinal overbending, weight control implementation and maintaining the normal body weight in order to prevent obesity, considering of the individual peculiarities of goniometric indicators for the development of the personal training programs and correction of the goniometric characteristics are quite capable of improving the physical body condition and preventing health risks.
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