Keywords: bioconversion, vegetable waste, composting, fermentation, microbiological preparations


The article analyzes the effect of microbiological preparations on the fermentation process of organic vegetable waste. An organic substrate consisting of plant residues after the cultivation of carrots and beets with the addition of cattle excrement removed by water washing (manure) in a ratio of 1:1 was prepared for conducting research for the purpose of compost production. The effectiveness of three microbiological preparations was investigated: the biological preparation “Microzyme Compost Detach”, the biological preparation “Vodogray 200 K” and the biological preparation “Tamir”. These are biological composting accelerators that increase the speed and hygienic efficiency of biofermentation of waste, from various manufacturers. Biopreparations contain a highly concentrated complex of living natural thermophilic aerobic microorganisms and natural enzymes of food grade – extracellular proteins that have the ability to break down organic substrates: cellulose, lignin, hair, fats, protein, fibers. Organic waste is exposed to complex microorganisms, as a result of which the high temperature created during composting kills all pathogenic microflora, helminth eggs, plant seeds in the solid components, and the smell is removed. Among the studied options for the usage of biological preparations, the highest temperature of the substrate on the 15th day of exposure was in the option with “Microzyme Compost Detach” – 71 ℃. The mass amount of the obtained product decreases by 48–67% (in variants with the addition of microbiological preparations) due to an increase in the efficiency of fermentation and evaporation of moisture. The best variant of the study is the variant with the addition of the microbiological preparation “Vodogray 200 K” – the substrate was reduced by 67%. Moreover, the original compost with the addition of microbiological preparations is more homogeneous, and the compost of the control variant with partially undecomposed components. In addition, the term of composting with the use of microbiological preparations decreases depending on the type of preparation: for the use of the biological preparation “Tamir” it decreased by 18 days, the biological preparation “Microzyme Compost Detach” – by 26 days, and “Vodogray 200 K” – by 31 days.


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How to Cite
Vasylenko, O. V., Feshchenko, V. V., Balabak, O. A., & Balabak, A. V. (2024). FEATURES OF BIOCONVERSION OF VEGETABLE WASTE. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (4), 92-96. https://doi.org/10.32782/NSER/2024-4.14