Keywords: toxicity, surface waters, impurities, concentration, mineralization, self-purification


The work proposes as one of the options for solving the problems of determining the toxicity of surface waters through the use of indicators of the number of impurities and the amount of mineralization (the solubility product of salts). The influx of polluting impurities into the surface waters of Ukraine has today acquired critical values for the preservation of the environment. According to the adopted regulatory documents, the level of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of one of the predominant toxic impurities, which is used to determine the toxicity index, is used to determine the fishery quality of water. Although this approach is practical, it is not very successful, since the level of formation of a toxic situation determines the total impact of impurities and factors, while the process of purification by biota from organic impurities, biosynthesis of phytoplankton and zooplankton is not evaluated. As an example, an average assessment of the ecological situation in the water environment of the Zahidny Bug River in the area below the city of Sokal based on the content of toxic impurities is given. The ecological and geographical prerequisites for the need for environmental monitoring of the Zahidny Bug River are indicated, and the general characteristics of the river basin are considered. According to the results of observations, we have in the creation the state of the water environment according to the fifth quality class, that is, the waters are very dirty. As one of the proposed solutions for getting out of the crisis situation associated with the need to reduce the toxicity of surface waters after the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, the use of biological methods of cleaning watercourses can be. For example, through the application of the possibility of irrigation of fish farming ponds, use for cleaning algae and crustacean ponds or vertical fermenters.


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How to Cite
Hryb, Y. V., Kovalchuk, S. V., & Kalko, A. D. (2024). ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DETERMINING THE TOXICITY OF SURFACE WATERS. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (4), 97-101.