Geographic information systems are an important tool that helps in geographic research. The presented paper examines the main features of GIS and their suitability for use in landscape zoning of Ukraine. Such zoning is carried out on the basis of the landscape-genetic principle of geocomplex detection. Its application consists in a comprehensive analysis of the relationships and interactions of landscape-forming factors, processes, and environmental components. GIS makes it possible to create databases in the form of a set of layers of information. The main layer contains a geographically bound map of the area, and the others, superimposed on such a topobase, contain various information about the area. Such information can be data on specified landscape-forming factors, processes and components of the environment: rocks, water bodies, climate, soils, biota, data of RSE, etc. Thus, modern GIS are a very effective tool for geographers. GIS are also useful for taking into account the areas and configuration of landscape areas when analyzing the spatial landscape-genetic structure of the studied territory. Such consideration is quite a difficult task, because the real terrain is not flat, like a computer monitor screen or a sheet of paper. Reproduction of the spherical surface of the Earth on a plane requires the implementation of special transformations with the help of cartographic projections. And such transformations are different for areas of the earth’s surface that are different in shape and location. Therefore, GIS must constantly perform metric conversion operations. Modern GIS perform all transformations with considerable speed and high accuracy, which are impossible for humans. A simple GIS task of measuring areas and determining the coordinates of selected or specified landscape complexes or zoning units is also very useful, as it saves a lot of time and prevents mathematical errors. The use of this option made it possible to determine that the zone of coniferous-broad-leaved forests currently occupies 14,1% of the territory of Ukraine, and broad-leaved forests – 9,9%. The same calculations were made for other zones and mountainous countries – using the universal geographic information system MapInfo Professional.
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