Keywords: agriculture, agricultural crops, plant breeding, livestock breeding, martial law, Rivne region


The state of development of agriculture in the Rivne region in wartime conditions is analyzed. The importance of agriculture in the export structure of the region is revealed. The agriculture of the Rivne region accounts for almost a quarter of its gross domestic product, provides raw materials for the processing industry, and is the main export industry. The factors of agricultural development are named. The conditions-risks that suspended or limited the development of agriculture starting with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine are singled out. Therefore, in addition to unfavorable weather conditions, such factors are: the conduct of hostilities on the territory of the country, the temporary occupation of certain territories of the country, the creation of belligerent landscapes, complicated logistics, the impossibility of exports, the energy crisis, etc. The article reveals the directions of specialization of agriculture in the Rivne region by natural zones. The production potential of the Rivne region is defined as «significant». In the period 2022–2024, spring field work and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex were active on the territory of the Rivne region. The production index of gross agricultural products for all categories of farms in 2022 was 99% compared to the previous year (including agricultural enterprises – 96,3%). Sugar beets, sunflowers, soybeans and peas are sown in agricultural enterprises of the region. In the individual farms of the Rivne region, the planting of potatoes and the sowing of vegetable crops were intensive. In 2023, the expected gross collection of grain crops for all categories of farms was 1,26 million tons. As of December 1, 2023, 1,24 million tons were collected. An analysis of the production of agricultural products by species was carried out. Potato growing is defined as one of the leading branches of specialization in the region’s economy. We note the stabilization of the herd of cows, the increase of the herd of pigs and the herd of poultry. In the Rivne region, under martial law, there is a practice of creating family farms. There are 27 such farms, most of which develop dairy farming. Examples of material and financial support for farms and other producers of agricultural products in the Rivne region are given. The problems of the development of agriculture in the Rivne region in today’s conditions are named. The priority directions of agricultural development in the Rivne region are the cultivation of grain and leguminous crops, sugar beets, soybeans, sunflowers, rapeseed, potatoes, and vegetables; production of meat and dairy products of animal husbandry, as well as development of the infrastructure of the agricultural market. The investment attractiveness of the region will also determine the development of the industry as a priority. The state of development of agriculture in the Rivne region in modern conditions is defined as stable, which has prospects for development in the conditions of today’s complex.


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How to Cite
Yaromenko, O. V., & Myronets, N. R. (2024). STATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE IN RIVNENSCHINA IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (4), 128-133.