Keywords: Volyn Polissya, adventive flora, invaziyni species, archeophitie, kenophitie, naturalization


The adventitization of aboriginal flora became one of the most noticeable manifestations of their anthropic transformation and now plays a decisive role in modern florogenesis. The processes of adventitization create a real threat to phytodiversity on the territory of Ukraine. The problem of adventitization of natural flora is quite acute for the territory of Ukraine. According to the level of adventitization of the flora, Ukraine occupies a rather high place among other floras of the world (adventive species make up at least 14% of the total number of species of the country’s flora). For territory of Volyn Polissya is analysed the features of naturalization of species of adentitious plants, their analysis at times of bringing is given, ekotopological and fitocenotical role of species of adentitious plants, modern dynamics and tendencies of distribution of kinds, the invaziyni species of adentitious faction of flora and methods of their distribution are analysed on territory of Volyn Polissya.


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How to Cite
OіtsiusL. V. (2023). ADVENTIVE SPECIES IN THE ABORIGINAL FLORA OF THE VOLYN POLISSYA. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 51-56.
Biology and biochemistry