Keywords: bioindication, anthropogenic pressure, indicator plants, asymmetry, necrotization, photosynthesis


An influence of anthropogenic load on the morphological and physiological parameters of indicator plants (Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides, Carpinus betulus) in Drohobych was studied. Plants were selected according to their sensitivity to changes in the environment and its degree of pollution. The choice was also due to the fact that these trees are often used for landscaping; and they are found on all the streets chosen for the study. According to the results of the study, the growth of the assimilation organ can be reproduced in the next consecutive series: Park Novonarodzhenykh → Center → Sambirska Street → Stryjska Street. Analysis of the degree of asymmetry of leaves of indicator plants showed that the largest values of the degree of difference in the characteristics of leaves of woody plants are characteristic of individuals that grew within the zones with the highest level of anthropogenic pressure – Sambirska Street and Center. Necrotic changes of leaf blades in different regiond of Drohobych were estimated, the maximum value of necrotic lesions of the leaf blade is typical for woody plants in the zones: Center (0.51–16.88%) and Stryiska street (1.63– 10.04%). The most characteristic types of necrotic lesions for Carpinus betulus are interveinal, Tilia cordata – spotted, Acer platanoides – spotted. The increase in the necrotic surface is a consequence of the total load on the city’s ecosystem. The highest level of necrotization was established on Sambirska Street for all species of indicator plants. The results show that the most resistant to anthropopression is Carpinus betulus, and the most vulnerable species – Tilia cordata. This makes linden a valuable bioindicator of condition of the atmospheric air. Assessment of the environment of Drohobych by morpho-physiological indicators of indicator plants indicates its significant pollution, revealed changes in morphometric parameters, increasing the degree of asymmetry, increasing the level of necrotization and photosynthetic function due to reduced chlorophyll a and b. This trend is most clearly traced on Stryjska Street and in the Center.


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How to Cite
Hoivanovych, N. K. (2023). ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING IN DROHOBYCH BY BIOINDICATION METHOD. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 57-62. https://doi.org/10.32782/NSER/2023-1-9