One of the leading factors of adventithation of regional flora is the introduction of plants, which is considered as the process of resettlement or transfer of populations of plant species outside their natural range, as an ecological and biological study and the introduction into culture in a certain territory of plants that have not grown here before. All human activity related to the practical use and restoration of vegetation is based on the introduction of plants, which play an extremely important role in the development of the productive forces of society. Introducers are one of the potential sources of replenishment of the spontaneous flora with new adventive species. From the point of view of the potential possibility of introduced plant species to naturalithation in new territories, the analysis of methods for assessing the success of introduction deserves attention. The results of exploring the run wild of introduction аre resulted in consisting of the adventive flora of Volyn Polissya. To that belonging 139 species of 116 genuses from 49 families. In the middle of appreciably prevail kenophitie are set, at the vital form grass policarpics. 41 of species show the tendency to naturalization in the natural and the half-natural ecotops. It should also be noted that currently a number of species that were originally bred as cultivated species are now in the territory of Ukraine, including within the borders of the Volyn Polissia, in a state of expansion or showing similar trends and possessing high invasive activity. Among them: Impatiens parviflora, Acer negundo, Ambrosia artemisifolia, Echinocystis lobata, Amorpha fruticosa, Helianthus tuberosus, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Reynoutria japonica, Padus serotina and some others. Single isolated localities with high projection coverage of such alien species as Impatiens grandulifera, Grindelia squarrosa, Helianthus subcanescens, Populus laurifolia. Adventive flora on the territory of the Volyn Polissya is largely formed with the participation of wild introducers, among which eukenophytes are clearly predominant.
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