Keywords: Rachyn, Dubensky district, Rivne region, ecological condition, factors of anthropogenic influence


The article provides a detailed analysis of the current ecological state of the territory of the village of Rachyn (Duben district, Rivne region) in the context of the influence of negative natural and anthropogenic factors on this state. Research methods – collection of information, modelling, forecasting and study of features of the ecological state in the territory of the Rachyn rural community, analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy, methods of analysis and comparison of literary data regarding the prospects for optimizing the ecological state. The results of the study: the modern features of the physical and geographical location, socio-economic condition and ecological condition of the territory of the village community were determined and analyzed. Rachyn is part of the Tarakaniv united territorial community of the Duben district of the Rivne region of Ukraine. It has been established that the following factors are currently the main sources of anthropogenic influence that determine the ecological state of the village and the surrounding area: production and agricultural enterprises, farms, the list of which is given; mobile sources, transport (car, railway); communal household economy (influence from individual households and homestead landholdings, in particular – atmospheric pollution from heating systems, from burning of dry matter and organic residues, from unauthorized dumping of waste, from unauthorized cutting of bushes and trees in forest strips and in the forest massif); enterprises of the service sector (trade and catering establishments); storage and storage sites for MSW (solid household waste), including 1 specially designated landfill (waste disposal site) and a number of unauthorized landfills; warehouses, garages, car repair shops, etc. Information on the natural and landscape features of the research area, social and economic development is summarized. An assessment and inventory of all existing facilities and sources of potential environmental impact on the territory was carried out. The priority directions for the development of measures to optimize the ecological condition of the village, which is subject to significant anthropogenic influence due to the peculiarities of its suburban location (the village is adjacent to the city of Dubno), the presence of numerous sources of anthropogenic influence, etc., have been determined. Recommendations for reducing the negative impact of anthropogenic factors have been developed.


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How to Cite
Fedoniuk, V. V., Ivantsiv, V. V., Fedoniuk, M. A., & Kovalchuk, V. M. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT ECOLOGICAL STATE OF THE TERRITORY OF THE VILLAGE RACHYN OF THE DUBEN DISTRICT. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 63-73.